Anz-Borrego Dessert State Park - Sheep Canyon

Anza-Borrego Desert State Park is a California State Park located within the Colorado Desert of southern California, United States. The park takes its name from 18th century Spanish explorer Juan Bautista de Anza and borrego, a Spanish word for sheep. With 585,930 acres that includes one-fifth of San Diego County, it is the largest state park in California.

The park occupies eastern San Diego County and reaches into Imperial and Riverside counties, enveloping two communities: Borrego Springs, which is home to the park's headquarters, and Shelter Valley.

The park has 500 miles of dirt roads, 12 designated wilderness areas, and 110 miles of hiking trails. Park information and maps are available in the visitor center.

On Decembe 2-3, 1961 I did a ten mile round trip scouting hike for a Post 360 trip in Sheep Canyou, Anza-Borrego Dessert State Park.

On December 16-17, 1961 myself, Dennis Leisure, Mike Miller and John Paine of Explorer Post 360 did an eleven mile round trip hike in Sheep Canyon, Anza=Borrego Dessert State Park.

We had nice dessert weather - explored South Fork palm trees & rocks. Threw snow balls in Laguna's on way home.

Information and pictures from 2023 including a video.

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