San Diego County - Arsenic Springs
Arsenic Springs in San Diego County
Arsenic Springs in San Diego County

On February 3-4, 1962 I assisted with the Sierra Club Mountaineering Course training at Arsenic Springs in San Diego County just south of Anza-Boreggo Desert State Park. We had 66 Students Saturday, 70 Students Sunday, 25 Instructors both days - good rock climbing in this area just near Jacumba.

On February 9-10, 1963 I assisted with the Sierra Club Mountaineering Course training at Arsenic Springs in San Diego County just south of Anza-Boreggo Desert State Park. I don't have the participation details.

Arsenic Spring is a spring in San Diego County and has an elevation of 2,703 feet. Arsenic Spring is situated nearby to the hamlets Titus and Jacumba Hot Springs.

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