San Diego County - Laguna Mountains - Garnet Peak

On June17, 1962 I did a one mile round trip day hike to 5,840' Garnet Peak in the Laguna Mountains.

Garnet Peak is located only .5 miles off the PCT in the Laguna Mountains of San Diego County. The shortest approach is only 2.4 miles and 500ft of elevation round trip. The short approach makes this a very popular peak, and it can often receive a dozen visitors on a busy weekend.

Even though most of the approaches are short and no more than a moderate half day hike, the views along this section of the PCT and from the summit are spectacular. Located at the Northern end of the Laguna Mts, Garnet Peak marks the boundary between the alpine mountains and the Borrego Desert below.

Views include Monument Peak and the Stephenson Peak to the South, the Borrego Desert and Salton Sea to the East, San Jacinto and San Gorgonio to the North. On a clear day one can even see across the boarder into Mexico. The true magnificent of Garnet Peak is discovered by those adventurous enough to be on the summit for sunrise. The sun's warm rays slowly bath the desert and the jagged peaks that rise from it, this is the true magic of Garnet.

It was an easy hike up on old trail from a dirt road just where road leaves trees and turns into rough road - nice view from top.

Garnet Peak in Laguna Mountains
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