Sierra Nevada - John Muir Wilderness - Diamond Peak

On September 16-18, 1960 I climbed 13,126' Diamond Peak on a 12 mile round trip with Lynne Williamsen, Jim Moore and Steve Barinka.

After driving up from San Diego Friday evening, we hit the Baxter Pass trail at 8:10 am for the 5 or so mile hike from 6,000 feet to 10,800 feet. We stopped twice for an hour each to eat lunch and rejuvenate. Arrived at meadow where we camped around 3 pm (about 5 hours hiking, 2 hours lunch stops).

We had a nice campsite. Jim Moore didn't feel well so the rest of us climbed Diamond Peak Sunday morning - easy Class 2 peak with fine views of nearby valleys and peaks - not blocked by high nearby peaks - included 60 Lakes Basin, Fin Dome, Junction Peak & Forester Pass, Palisade Crest, Mt. Williamson and others.

We left camp at 7:10 am and were on the peak at 10:00 after a false peak at 9:45. Headed down at 10:30 and reached camp at 11:45. Left camp for the car at 12:50 pm - half way about 1:55 pm and at the car by 3:15 pm.

Diamond Peak Map from campsite
Diamond Peak Map from campsite
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