Sierra Nevada - John Muir Wilderness
Mount Mary Austin/Sardine Canyon

I made three trips into the Mount Mary Austin area in Sardine Canyon and climbed it on the first trip in 1971.

On July 24-25, 1971 I backpacked on a 12 mile round trip with Roger Getz, Ralph Drollinger and John Seuss into Sardine Canyon and we climbed 13,100' Mount Mary Austin.

We started from Onion Valley road at 7500' on a mine road which goes to the ridge between Sardine and Oak Creeks. The road continues up Sardine Canyon to the mine after passing the mine camp (trailer, etc.).

We left the road here and crossed Oak Creek following overgrown trail into Little Onion Valley and up to Parker Lakes. The trail is pretty much as map shows (on north side of creek).

The boys went up south the side cross-country and it wasn't bad. The trail was easy to lose until you get to trees near 10,000'. Lovely campsites in trees at 10,000'. There are also good campsites in small meadows and trees below the first lake. Limited campsites at first lake - no timber above first lake.

Fish in both lakes - larger ones at upper lake - all small. Peak is class 2, but can get into Class 3 (+4) if you aren't careful. We went up west side, came down east side. Good Trip.

Mount Mary Austen climb route map 1971
Mount Mary Austen climb route map 1971

The second trip was with Explorer Post 360 (18 people) on a ten mile round trip on December 31, 1971-January 2, 1972 on snowshoes.

We went into Little Onion Valley and went part way up Sardine Canyon road. Part of the group attempted Mary Austin but were forced back by snow and weather.

The third trip on March 25-26, 1972 was myself, Roger Getz, Gil Beilke and Karl Kohagen on a 10 mile round trip. Gil and Karl climbed Mary Austin while Roger and I followed the mine road up Sardine Canyon to camp at about 11,500' just below lake in a high wind which broke a tent pole during the night.

Except for the weather, it is an easy hike on the road to about 11,000 feet where mine is. Easy Class 2 to Kearsarge Peak (we didn't climb it however).

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