Sierra Nevada - John Muir Wilderness - Mount Lamarck

On July 24-26, 1964 I climbed 13,417; Mount Lamarck on an 11 mile round trip backpack with Noel Parr, Norman Hewitt, Richard Hewitt, Dave Butler, Bob Johnson and Brad Sonka on a scouting party for Explorer Post 360.

Mount Lamarck lies on the crest of the High Sierra about 1 1/2 miles north of Mount Darwin. While easily climbed from the cross country trail over Lamarck Col (class 2), Mount Lamarck also has a moderate ice gully on the North Face which provides excellent snow and ice climbing. The South Slope and Southeast Slope are also class 2. Mount Lamarck has an excellent view of Mounts Darwin and Mendel!

It was overcast much of the weekend. Scattered showers and 2 hr rain. Went swimming in Upper Lamarck Lake where we camped. Good trail to Upper Lamarck - also a trail to Lamarck Col just southwest of Upper Lamarck Lake. We followed the trail to the col without packs - 2 hours - and climbed the easy peak. A good trip.

Mount Lamarck trail
Mount Lamarck trail
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