Sierra Nevada - John Muir Wilderness - Hogback Creek

On September 18-19, 1976 Marty Nikolaus, Doug Mull and I took an 8 mile round trip backpack up Hogback Creek to check out the Gambler's Special Airplane Crash at 11,900'.

We left my place in Lone Pine about 8:25 a.m. Saturday, drove to the roadhead on Hogback Creek and hit the trail about 9 a.m. We crossed the creek from where we parked my car at about 6800 feet, climbing to the ridge between the south and north forks.

A use trail follows along this ridge, staying to the left, near the south fork canyon edge. The going is easy through the forested area and you soon arrive at a slope covered with manzinita bushes. We continued along the canyon edge and eventually ran into a side stream plunging down the slope in a very straight line.

The creek was dry where we intersected it, but by climbing up the creek bed we soon found a plentiful supply of water. After eating lunch, we continued to climb up the creek bed which was the best footing - easier than going on the slopes nearby. We soon reached a bench and followed the easier terrain a ways, before it steepened as it climbed to another bench.

We continued over sometimes steep but easy terrain, soon left the trees and climbed more open country. About half a mile from the small lake shown at 11,600 on the map, there is a small waterfall cascading over solid rock. At the top of this area, the terrain levels considerably and it is a short walk to camp near the lake.

We arrived about 4:30 p.m. after several long rest stops along the day's route. We made a quick trip the short distance to the plane wreck before fixing supper and going to bed about 8 p.m. This link shows pictures taken by other people in 2008.

It frosted heavily during the night and we got up around 7:30 a.m. After a leisurely breakfast we again visited the plane wreck and looked around until about noon. After a bunch of firecrackers, etc. we finally headed down about 1:30 p.m. - stopped to roll rocks several times - and made the car about 5 p.m.

We probably wasted a good hour in-route. In coming down we stayed to the left and came down sandy slopes through the Manzinita, etc. which was fast and easy. It was a good trip for its purpose - seeing the plane wreck.

Hogback Creek Route to Gambler Aircraft Crash site 1976
Hogback Creek Route to Gambler Aircraft Crash site 1976
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