Sierra Nevada - John Muir Wilderness - Tyee Lake/Table Mountain

On August 13=14, 1977 I backpacked in the John Muir Wilderness with Charlie Woods, Lorrie Smith, Cara Smith and Greg James to Tyee Lake and climbed 11,696' Table Mountain.

Charlie, Lorrie and I hit the Tyee Lake trail about 9 a.m. and taking it easy on the steep trail made camp at the fourth Tyee Lake around 1 p.m. after an hour lunch stop at a lower lake. It hailed and rained as we put up the tent. Lorrie and I took a nap while Charlie roamed around in the rain fishing. About 5:30, Cara and Greg showed up, having hit the trail about 3:30. We fixed supper and sat around a campfire talking until 9:30 or so.

Sunday we got up about 7 and after a leisurely breakfast headed up the trail over Table Mountain Pass to George Lake and Lake Sabrina. On top of the pass we wandered around to various high points. Great views of the mountains behind Sabrina and North Lake. We ate lunch on top, then headed down to George Lake.

I was the only one who did the walk up to the actual Table Mountain peak (11,696') only a few feet above the pass. We made Sabrina Boat Landing about 3 p.m. and Charlie and Lorrie hitchhiked to pick up the cars while the rest of us relaxed on the sundeck. I headed home about 5:30 p.m.

Tyee Lake to Table Mountain to Lake Sabrina route 1977
Tyee Lake to Table Mountain to Lake Sabrina route 1977
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