Sierra Nevada - John Muir Wilderness - Whitney Portal Area

On May 6-7, 1978 Ralph Drollinger, Craig Newberry and I took a 4 mile round trip 4000 foot gain backpack. We drove to Whitney Portal and hit the trail about 7:30 a.m. Took the regular trail from the store to the first creek. Climbed up the north side and then traversed over to the snow on the south side and climbed on the snow with perfect footing up the steep valley to the ridge above the north fork of the north fork that raises from below Lower Boy Scout Lake. We arrived at 12,300 around 3:30 or 4 p.m. and made camp on the snow.

Sunday morning Ralph and Craig set out to climb Carrillon, Russell and Tunnabora. They planned to spend the night in camp and come out on Monday. I lazed around camp until about 10 a.m. and then headed down. I glissaded essentially all the way down to just above the trail - almost 4,000 feet. Took about an hour. Great ride. Ralph and Craig climbed Carillon and Tunnabora but decided against Russell as too much snow on the ridge. They came out as planned on Monday. This was a good but strenuous trip. The route is a good one to the area.

Whitney Portal above Lower Boy Scout Lake 1978
Whitney Portal above Lower Boy Scout Lake 1978
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