Sierra Nevada - Golden Trout Wilderness - Jordan Hot Springs

On June 17-18, 1978 myself, Joe Crimi, Johnny Bartlett and Tim Miller backpacked an 18 mile round trip via Redrock Meadows to Jordan Hot Springs in the Golden Trout Wilderness.

We left Lone Pine about 7 p.m. Friday and drove to Fish Creek Campground on Kennedy Meadow Road. Saturday morning got up early and drove rest of way to roadhead at Blackrock Gap. Hit the trail about 8 a.m. I think. Short climb to Blackrock Gap also called Baggy Pass, then down good trail to Casa Vieja Meadows.

Much snow among the trees but was firm and no real problem. Very wet trails and meadows. Stopped at Casa Vieja for snack, then on to Lost Trout Creek which we forded on a log, then on to Long Canyon Creek which we forded by rock jumping. Johnny almost fell in. Water was high in both creeks but not really a problem - could have waded.

Stopped by a large meadow just before Beer Keg Meadow for lunch at trail junction (not on map). Good spring nearby. After lunch on to Beer Keg Meadow, River Spring (large flow) and arrived at Redrock Meadow about 4 p.m. Two old cabins in the area and old tent cabin - all beyond use. Camped near one cabin. Enjoyed sun and few bugs except many large flies which did not bother us. Around 7 p.m. it clouded up and sprinkled a little. Went to bed about 8 and it rained a couple times during the early night. Clear in the morning.

Got up lazy and had breakfast, hitting the trail about 9 a.m. Climbed after two easy creek crossings to saddle at Indian Head and saw the "Indian Head" which is very prominent from the trail. Then down a good trail away from the creek for about two miles, then arrived at creek and saw many fish in a pool.

On down the creek/trail we had to ford on a broken log - water was high and would have been difficult without the log. Great views of the creek as the trail descended. Soon arrived at a crossing that had no log. I waded it three times but high water made the two boys not want to cross so they and Joe cross-country hiked above the river bank down to a spot where they were able to cross and meet me on the trail.

We soon arrived at the crossing near Jordan Hot Springs where we found a log to put across a narrow place and had no trouble. Arrived at Jordan Hot Springs about noon - no one there. The tubs were open and we could have used them but might never have become unrelaxed enough to get up the trail, so went up to the lodge and ate lunch under the trees. Stayed for two hours enjoying the place, then headed up the trail.

Soon came to an impossible creek crossing so again cross-countried up the bank until we found a large tree across the creek. Cross-country was not difficult after the first part and the log was large. Soon arrived at Long Canyon Creek and Joe found a log to put across some rocks that got us across. Again it was deep fast water.

Continued up the trail, crossing the creek two more times with no difficulty and arrived at Casa Vieja Meadows about 5 p.m. Had a snack and left at 6 p.m. for the car, arriving at 7 p.m. This was a pleasant but hard day with 2000 foot drop and climb. We were tired but happy hikers. Made Lone Pine about 9:30 p.m. after a great weekend.

Jordan Hot Springs via Redrock Meadows 1978
Jordan Hot Springs via Redrock Meadows 1978
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