Sierra Nevada - Hoover Wilderness - Green Lake

On November 1, 1980 Jim White and I did a four mile round trip day hike in the Green Lake area of the Hoover Wilderness. We left Independence about 5;30 and after supper in Bishop drove to the campground near the end of the Green Lake road.

Saturday morning we were both not feeling too great so we did a day hike up to Green Lake. The trail is mostly an old road which was apparently built during Bodie's heyday as part of the power plant operation which existed lower down on the creek and which served Bodie by way of the longest overland transmission line of the time. The line was built arrow straight across the country side as they believed that would reduce resistance.

The trail is a pleasant hike and would make a good snowshoe route. We arrived at Green Lake in blustery weather to find a dam was in use to raise its level to store more water. This was part of the power plant system and has been maintained (or rebuilt) by Los Angeles Department of Water and Power to increase water storage for their aqueduct and power plants.

After lunch behind some trees we headed back to the car and drove over to the Saddlebag Lake road near Tioga Pass for the night and a visit to Bennettville the next day. Will have to come back to Green Lakes next spring.

Green Lakes area hike 1980
Green Lakes area hike 1980
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