Sierra Nevada - John Muir Wilderness - Sardine Canyon Ski Tour

On February 5, 1983 Jim White and I set out up Onion Valley on a ski tour in Sardine Canyon. There was lots of snow on the mountains. It came clear down to the Seven Pines turnoff from the Onion Valley road. We parked here and skied up the road to the mining road that goes over to Sardine Canyon (Rex Montis Mine).

We skied along the road to where it crosses Sardine Canyon and then headed straight up the canyon using skins (I think). I was trying out my short skis which didn't work too good because they kept crashing through the crust down lower.

When we started down the canyon I was doing better except couldn't figure out how to turn. Also there was a continuous whiteout in the canyon (clouds) which made everything look flat and I kept falling over bumps. I did better on the road but was pretty worn out. Jim had a great time skiing the well covered slopes.

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