Sierra Nevada - John Muir Wilderness - Shepherd Pass

On August 31-September 1, 1983 Jim White and I headed up the Shepherd Pass Trail. Jim had gone on a trip the previous week with Tom Lipp up Williamson Creek and climbed Mt. Williamson. While fishing at the Williamson Lakes he had left his Buck Knife on a rock so he wanted to recover it.

We only had two days so we got an early start up the Shepherd Pass trail. The weather was pleasant and we were both in pretty good shape. We made Anvil Camp in mid-afternoon as clouds whizzed across the sky. It was obviously windy on the pass so we decided to camp at Anvil Camp and Jim would just take a day hike the next day for his knife.

The next day Jim took off early for Shepherd Pass and then over to Williamson Lakes - to get his knife and do some fishing. I washed the dishes, etc. and then followed Jim up to the Pass. It was windy so after lunch I headed back to camp where I took a nap while waiting for Jim.

He arrived around 4 p.m. - with his knife and a trout. After a rest and some snacks we packed up and headed down - around 5 p.m. I think. We got to the top of the final ridge just as it got dark so had to use flashlights as we dropped down the hill and followed the creek out to the car. Jim was pretty beat by the time we got to the car - he'd had a long day. It was an enjoyable hike for me and Jim really enjoyed his trout later.

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