Sierra Nevada - Sequoia and Kings Canyon National Park
Deadman Canyon Loop (a.k.a. Elizabeth Pass Loop)

On August 17-25, 1985 Gordon Lee and I took a 50 mile backpack in Sequoia and Kings Canyon National Park to the Sugarloaf Valley and Elizabeth Pass area. I didn't keep a hiking diary log so don't have a narrative of the details of this trip.

Sugarloav - Elizabeth Lake Deck Trek in Yosemite National Park
Sugarloav - Elizabeth Lake Deck Trek in Yosemite National Park
Sugarloav - Elizabeth Lake Deck Trek in Yosemite National Park
Sugarloav - Elizabeth Lake Deck Trek in Yosemite National Park map
Sugarloav - Elizabeth Lake Deck Trek in Yosemite National Park map

This was my last trip with Gordon Lee. He had "tunnel vision" which I didn't know, and he walked off the end of a switchback into the bushes and couldn't find his way back to the trail. This is the actual trip. We had to modify the route to eliminate going cross-country to Moose Lake in the original plan. I hitchhiked from the Cresent Meadow Trailhead to the car at Lodgepole.

At the start of the trip we hiked through a fire (we had been told about it by the Rangers) which was basically a ground fire. There was a sign next to the trail that said "Do Not Disturb The Fire" which was kind of funny. Gordon's brother (I think it was) took Gordon on a backpack trip the next summer. I wasn't happy telling Gordon he couldn't go with me but his vision problem was a danger that I didn't feel I wanted to have to deal with with just two of us in the party.

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