Inyo Mountains - French Spring Trail

I hiked the French Spring Trail in the Inyo Mountains on four trips. Three as day hikes listed here and one as a backpack in 1978. The following map shows the trail routes I used on the three day hikes.

Trails used on day hikes in French Spring area
Trails used on day hikes in French Spring area

On March 6, 1977 I drove to the end of the road and day hiked up to French Spring on a 4 mile round trip. Explored side canyon to the south where another spring feeds the area. Found the main trail on the north side and hiked a couple miles up it. Good Trail.

On July 4, 1977 I drove to the end of the road about 2 p.m. and day hiked on a 3 mile round trip up the trail past the spring to a side trail which I followed up to an old mine. nothing at the mine but a hole. Most of the trail to the mine is in good shape. Some of it is a real cliff hanging trail. Nice hike in a cool breeze.

See Keynot Peak tripon April 22-23, 1978

On January 17, 1981 Jimmy White and I hit the trail about 9 a.m. and hiked about 3 miles up the trail to the bend in the canyon where there is water. Cloudy and cool but the sun broke through a little bit. Clouds and haze in the valley. Headed back a little after 1 p.m. and reached the car around 3 or so. Nice leisurely 6 mile round trip hike.

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